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Reynaldo Martinez Elementary School
Today and everyday we challenge you to be an upstander. Use your voice to speak for yourself and those around you. SafeVoice was created for you to anonymously submit a tip of concern about your safety or well-being or a friend or classmate around you. Speaking up ensures that your school campus remains an open and welcoming place. Through SafeVoice, trained professionals are available to respond 24/7/365 to any tips received. Submit a tip here or download the app on the Apple App Store or on Google Play today!
Parents and guardians are influential figures in the creating safe schools and communities for their students. SafeVoice offers students a comprehensive, reliable and professional way to report tips anonymously 24/7/365. No report goes unanswered as trained professionals in the Department of Public Safety and slect school staff are prepared to respond appropriately and in a timely manner. As a parent, we encourage you to discuss SafeVoice with your student and make sure the app is installed on their mobile device.

About Safe Voice
Students, parents and faculty throughout Nevada now have access to SafeVoice, an anonymous reporting system used to report threats to the safety or well-being of students. SafeVoice was established by the Nevada Department of Education under SB 212 in 2017 to protect student wellness, prevent violence and save lives.
In partnership with the Nevada Department of Public Safety, the SafeVoice program provides students a safe place to submit tips concerning their own safety or that of others. A fully trained professional team of experts responds in an appropriate manner 24/7/365.
Tips always stay anonymous.

How to be a safe
and responsible digital citizen.

Digital Citizen- English
Digital Citizen- Spanish
Parents/students are encouraged to report knowledge of bullying and/or cyberbullying, via SafeVoice that allows individuals to anonymously report unlawful activities.

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