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Sponsors help us keep the fun flowing here at Martinez!

We couldn't do it without our community support!

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Martinez Mission Statement

 At Martinez we are dedicated to developing leaders

who are proactive in a diverse world. 


We will begin with the end in mind to pursue growth and learning

through hard work, high expectations, and positive relationships.


Together we will celebrate the individual through a creative

and fun learning environment.

Martinez Motto

When I believe in me
I will achieve

When I believe in us

We can all succeed

Together we can lead

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Contact Us

350 E Judson Ave

North Las Vegas, NV 89030

Tel: 702-799-3800

Fax: 702-799-3804

School Hours

Kinder - 5th   8:40am - 3:11pm

Pre-K AM      8:45am- 11:35am

Pre-K PM      12:35pm-3:11pm


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© Copyright 2023 by Martinez Elementary School

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